Please go to the News section of the website to see the dates for the Year 10 Work Shadowing.
Careers Education Information
Plan for the long term by making connections with us today. Students at The Maidstone and Malling Alternative Provision will benefit from access to your knowledge, expertise, and support. You will also benefit by cultivating the attitudes and skills you need for the future workforce.
What is in it for you?
• You can inspire talented young people to work for you/your sector
• Make a positive impact whilst raising awareness of your company. You will be giving something back to your local area while boosting your company's profile.
• It is great for staff development. Employees who do talks at schools or mentor work placements will grow in confidence and gain a sense of achievement in supporting young people, as well as developing their planning, communication and presentation skills.
• You will get the chance to network and make contact with other businesses.
Ways to get involved:
• Prepare future employees for the world of work by taking on a leaving student as an apprentice; school outreach is a great way to spot future talent
• Pass on knowledge of your sector through talks, workshops and workplace visits - all the while raising the profile of your business
• Offer a work experience placement
• Help students be “work ready” through activities like mentoring, mock interviews or CV/application support.
If you can help us in supporting the next generation in any way, please contact the Careers Leader (Marie Albrow) at
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