The School will;
- Be open and welcome at all times and offer opportunities for parents/carers to be fully involved in their child’s education
- Provide clear guidance on the expectations of students in terms of both work and behaviour
- Communicate with parents and carers to outline the targets, current working levels and attainment appropriate to their child
- Monitor attendance, punctuality and advise parents of concerns as soon as possible
- Work with each child as an individual to ensure they reach their full potential
- Keep parents/carers informed of general matters and individuals school progress
- Provide an educational programme in line with the child’s academic ability
Parents/Carers will
- Ensure their child arrives on time and attends regularly
- Inform the school immediately of any absence
- Attend parent consultations
- Attend any other relevant meeting deemed to be necessary
- Encourage their child to respect their peers and members of staff
- To maintain that their child has a positive attitude towards their learning
- Support the school in implementing the rules in terms of both work and behaviour
Students will
- Attend school regularly and on time
- Work to their full potential
- Follow the school's expectations and to observe school rules
- Respect their environment